Intentional Relationships for Singles12-Week Study that includes Online LeadersZone and Free Video Intros.
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Intentional Relationships for Singles Bible Study (10 Books)
Price includes book rate shipping of (10) books plus a 10% rate discount for bulk ordering. If you want a custom order, please call or email at [email protected] for shipping cost.
Intentional Relationships for Singles is a 12-week Bible study designed to help individuals get healthier through personal growth in all their relationships including God, family, friends, work, and church with the goal of preparing for marriage.
Go to for more information, to download a free chapter, watch videos.
• Your Identity in Christ, Gender Roles, Understanding the Opposite Sex
• Blind Spots, Boundaries, Conflict Resolution, Forgiveness, Reconciliation
• Friendships, Intentional Friendship™, Intentional Dating, Engagement
• Plus self/group reflection questions, Online Leaders Resources and Videos
$18.00 per book plus $19.00 book rate shipping. Allow 10 for delivery.
Intentional Relationships Bible Study for Singles (20 books)
20 Books Bulk Rate.
Price includes book rate shipping of (20) books plus a 10% rate discount for bulk ordering. If you want a custom order, please call or email at [email protected] for shipping cost.
Intentional Relationships for Singles is a 12-week Bible study designed to help individuals get
healthier through personal growth in all their relationships including God, family, friends, work, and church with the goal of preparing for marriage.
• Your Identity in Christ, Gender Roles, Understanding the Opposite Sex
• Blind Spots, Boundaries, Conflict Resolution, Forgiveness, Reconciliation
• Friendships, Intentional Friendship™, Intentional Dating, Engagement
• Plus self/group reflection questions, Online Leaders Resources and Videos
$18.00 per book plus $25.00 book rate shipping. Allow up to 10 days for delivery.
Intentional Friendship Companion Guide Bulk Purchase of 10
Intentional Friendship, a new companion to the study Intentional Relationships for Singles is now available. We have put our over 650 questions from the book and how to navigate those friendships from Chapter 10 in this new easy-to-use guide. Put it in your purse. Keep it in your backpack. Have this small guide at your fingertips for easy reference when you are out with your intentional friends as you get to know each other better.
This includes shipping, bulk rate of 10 books.
Walk the Line Bible Study
Walk the Line is an 8-week study for individuals or a group designed to help the reader determine the “fine line” between a set of words we often use. Words such as “happiness and joy”, “accountability and judgment”. Words that are spoken to mean the same thing, when in fact, are very different. Words, when broken down and discussed, will reveal the true meaning (e.g. words that are "self-focused" versus "other-focused").
This study also includes a leader's section and small group instruction.
$12 plus $3.75 shipping/postage. See below for bulk ordering.
Walk the Line is available as a conference, retreat and/or individual seminar based on the chapters. Call today to bring Kris to your city at 919.434.3611.
Walk the Line Study Bulk Order of 10 Books
This study also includes a leader's section and small group instruction.
Price includes $16.75 shipping, Priority Mail. Call 919.434.3611 if you want to order more than 10.
Walk the Line is available as a conference, retreat and/or individual seminar based on the chapters. Call today to bring Kris to your city at 919.434.3611.
Jesus, Single Like Me Bible Study, $12
This book/study focus on the life of Jesus as a single adult. From dealing with temptation, to friends of the opposite sex to purpose, you will be challenge and encouraged. For more information on the book/chapter outlines, click here. Includes a leadership section. Can be done individually or in a small group. Price includes shipping/handling. Call if you want to order more than 10 for a lower shipping cost.
Bulk Order of JSLM Study, $10 each
Bulk of 10 Jesus, Single Like Me Bibles studies that each have leaders section in the back. Price includes $16.75 shipping/handling for total of $166.75. Call if you want to order more than 10 for a lower shipping cost. Free intro videos for each chapter.
Bulk Order 10 Women's Books: $10 each
Price includes $16.75 shipping/handling. Call if you want to order more than 10 for a lower shipping cost.
From the Manger to the Cross: The Women in Jesus's Life, $12
Singles & Relationships, Dick Purnell & Kris Swiatocho
This bible study discusses the various aspect of relationships. From anger to forgiveness to conflict to making friends, each devotion explores God's word and the steps towards bringing all of our relationships to Christ. This study can be done alone (in a month) or as a small group (4-6 weeks) or as a 31 week Sunday school/small group. Purchase today! Cost: $12 plus $3.75 s&h. If you would like to order in bulk, please call 919.434.3611. Price includes shipping.
Bulk Order of 10 Single & Relationships Bible Studies
Price includes $16.75 shipping/postage.
Everyone Knows a Single Adult: The FAQs of Single Adult Ministry
Price includes shipping. If you would like to order in bulk, please call 919.434.3611.
Leaders That Last Leadership Curriculum
For those starting, renewing, or growing their ministry.
6 weeks, 6 topics: There are 3 weeks that are inward-focused on personal development and 3 weeks that are outward-focused on building and unifying the team.
Week 1: Who You Are in Christ
Week 2: Affirming Your Calling as a Leader
Week 3: Spiritual Warfare
Week 4: Mentoring/Finding others with a Similar Calling
Week 5: Building the Team
Week 6: Caring for the Team.
Week 1: Who Am I?
Description: Everything starts and ends with a great team but a team starts with a great leader. A great leader should know who they are in Christ first in order to lead others. This leader also should have a personal, growing relationship with Christ. This lesson will focus on your identity, your personal growth in your faith, and your walk with the Lord.
Week 2: Who Ya Going to Call?
Description: Learning and affirming your calling to be a leader. Most maturing Christians are serving the Lord but often in the wrong area, this lesson will help you focus on the right area God is calling you into.
Week 3: The Devil Made Me Do It!
Description: This lesson focuses on how to recognize the enemy’s attacks on you, your team, and your ministry, and what to do when it does happen.
Week 4: Making Copies!
Description: This lesson focuses on the importance of recognizing potential leaders by starting with those who are voluntolds versus volunteers.
Week 5: There’s No “I” in Team
Description: Everything falls and rises on leadership. Without a great team that is unified in the path to reach the goals God has put in place, leadership will fail. This lesson will focus on how to build a team that builds the ministry.
Week 6: Are You a Care Bear?
Description: This lesson focuses on how to keep our team, our leaders, and, ultimately, your ministry going and growing.
Training materials (word document) includes master leaders guide, homework assignments, questions, ideas, etc. Suggested 2 hour time frame per week.
How to Start a Singles Ministry Handout, FREE
So you want to start a singles ministry? This is 6 page guide to give you the beginning you need. You can also watch our free videos. Also, purchase the FAQ book. SINGLE MOMS: Emerge Life Lessons, Vol 2- Study Guide
In Volume 2 of the Life Lessons Series, single moms receive fresh encouragement to flourish in their many roles. They'll gain practical insight and godly wisdom from eight single-parent experts through pertinent and relevant topics: Living in Contentment, Parenting is a Spiritual Act of Worship, Real Talk About Relationships, Personalizing Your Bible, Your Home is Not Broken, Mom it Out, Only the Lonely, and A Woman's Worth. Price includes shipping. Call to order in bulk to save money and shipping cost. This resource is intended as a study guide to accompany the Emerge DVD set. SINGLE MOM: Emerge DVD set with study booklet - Life Lessons for Single Moms, Volume 2
In this Life Lesson Series, you’ll discover fresh encouragement to flourish as a single mom. Gain practical insight and godly wisdom from eight single-parent experts through pertinent topics relevant to your life. You will emerge from this study more equipped to handle the onslaught of responsibilities and challenges. It’s a perfect set in leading you toward emotional wholeness: biblically sound, applicable, and loaded with hope. Looking for an action-packed kit for raising children alone? This is it! Includes Shipping. Volume 2 contains these topics:
Each kit includes one study book. You can order more for $6 each below. To read more about the kit, watch a video sample, click here. Leadership 101
Ministry can sometimes be difficult, especially when you are the only one leading it. In order for ministry to work, you have to have an efficient team. Kris Swiatocho shares her insights on what makes a great leader, where leaders fail, how to find those to serve on your team and how to keep them. |
Checklist for Being a Warm and Welcoming Church
So you think you are a warm and welcoming have the most friendly members. From years of experience and research, this checklist will help you evaluate just how warm and welcoming your church really is. From questions related to ushers and greeters, the grounds, website/marketing, to inside your building and staff, nothing is left untouched. This checklist comes as a word file that you can edit/customize for your church. It's a great format to cut and paste to send out to your various staff and volunteers so they can evaluate their areas. So order your copy today!
Icebreakers, Skits, Games and Team Building Exercises
Over 100 Icebreakers.Great resource for those of you who need some extra help with finding great icebreakers, skits, games, team building ideas, etc. For married, single or youth Sunday school/small groups and/or ministries. (This is a pdf files that you can cut/edit to customize for your ministry.) |
…we were delighted to welcome Kris to City Gates for a long weekend in September this year. She ministered powerfully to our “20 something” group and at our Women’s event, as well as at three Sunday services.
There is an infectious joy about Kris. She is able to cross culture and age with her enthusiasm and humour whilst teaching biblical truth. She challenges and inspires people to believe God for more. She has the heart of an evangelist so much so that weeks later we’re still talking about “the God incident”!
We’re looking forward to linking up again with Kris in the future.
—Pastors Julia and Stephen Derbyshire, City Gates Church, Essex, London, UK